Join us at for a 2-part
Continuing Education Credit series on Ethics!
Is ABA Ethical Part 1 (1 CE)
Cost: Free!
Pre-recorded session is live now!
Is ABA Ethical Part 2 (3 Ethics CEs)
Cost: $150 $90 (Grand opening special!)
Recording of live event streaming now!
We have Discounted and free CEUs available to stream now!

Is ABA Ethical; Part 1
ABA has become a controversial topic within the Autism community. This presentation will take the question “Is ABA Ethical?” head on.

Is ABA Ethical; Part 2
This presentation is a follow up to Part I which reviewed general objections to ABA and examined ways that ABA has been used in the past. In part 2 we discuss the positive changes we can make when we listen to these criticisms with openness and curiosity

Bias, Connection, and Support
The BACB Ethic’s Code for 2022 now include requires behavior analysis to be aware of personal bias and take steps to mitigate impact on our work. This 1 hour presentation will briefly outline 4 steps for addressing bias followed by discussion about to support staff and parents within this framework.

Journal Club: The Softer Side of Supervision
As our field continues to grow it is important we improve our efficacy and efficiency as supervisors and leaders. BCBA’s and BCaBA’s have the crucial responsibility to ethically cultivate the next generation of RBT’s and BCBA’s.

Helplessness, Extinction, and Programming for Coping
Join Dee Hiatt as we take a look at learned helplessness, the risks of extinction, and how we should go about teaching coping skills.

Journal Club; Guidance or Compliance; What Makes an Ethical Behavior Analyst
This article examines the changes made with the last Code of Ethics update. We must recognize the limitations of any set of rules to help us think through the complex situations that occur in real life situations.
Join in the conversation as we look at changes and consider some new processes that can help us work through these potential challenges.